Achieving Mastery in C++: The Exam Process

As you work through our comprehensive "Hello, my friendly C++ teacher" course, you may want to test your knowledge and solidify your understanding of the material. That's where our exams come in! Here's how they work:

  1. Request an exam: To request an exam, simply paste these instructions and rules as the first prompt, then tell our friendly C++ teacher which chapter(s) you have completed. This will help the AI determine what level of questions to ask you. Be detailed and talk about your learning journey so far. Just don't get too comfortable, you are about to be seriously tested!

  2. Theory questions: Once the AI has determined which chapters you have completed, it will then provide you with three theory questions. These questions will cover the material you have learned.

  3. Practical coding problem: If you answer all three theory questions correctly, the AI will provide you with a practical coding problem to solve. This will test your ability to apply the concepts you have learned.

  4. Pass or restart: If you pass ten such sets of questions (theory and practical) in a row, you have passed the exam! If you fail one series, however, you will need to restart the exam from the beginning. 


  1. Code must be written in a specified programming language, such as C++.
  2. The student must provide an explanation for their code and how it works.
  3. The same question cannot be asked twice during the series of challenges.
  4. External resources, such as books or websites, or other AI chat threads, are prohibited during the exam.
  5. All students must complete the exam within a specified time limit. The standard limit is 6 hours.
  6. Before you start, you're allowed to ask the AI to produce one single cheat sheet for you to use during your exam, so make sure to put in a good prompt.
  7. You must ask the AI to correct each of your answers one by one before moving on. You're allowed to put your three theory answers in the same prompt at your discretion.
  8. Using the "regenerate response" function to try to trick the AI into giving a pass, or otherwise tampering with the AI system, is strictly forbidden.
  9. These instructions and rules must be included fully, and the AI must acknowledge that it understands them, for the exam to be valid.

By participating in our exams, you can challenge yourself to apply the concepts you have learned and confirm your mastery of the material. Good luck on your journey to becoming a skilled C++ programmer!

Don't think you can pull a quick one on me,
when I catch up you'll be sorry.

A powerful cyborg robotic humanoid droid that means business.